Praveen Gupta


I am interested in cloud infrastructure and software engineering. You can find an overview of my experience here: Short Resume

I recently completed my M.Sc. in Computer Science at The University of British Columbia, where my research focused on building developer tools for data compliance in serverless applications (Thesis).

Before UBC, I was a Research Fellow at Microsoft Research, where I developed HyWay, a patent-pending platform for hybrid physical/virtual interactions (see the HyWay project page). I also tackled data management challenges on exabyte-scale data lakes. My work involved improving data discovery efficiency and flagging redundant compute jobs, leading to significant cost savings. I graduated from NITK Surathkal in 2020.

My earlier experiences include an internship with Microsoft Azure Compute, where I worked on prefetching ephemeral OS disks to improve VM performance, and a contribution to Jitsi as part of Google Summer of Code, adding speech-to-text translation to the platform.

Outside of work, I enjoy playing Basketball, Badminton, and Catan, and Valorant.

I’m currently seeking full-time opportunities in cloud infrastructure and systems. I’m always happy to chat about work, tech, or anything else that’s on your mind! Feel free to connect with me on my socials at @pvgupta24.

Advisors & Collaborators

I have been fortunate to work closely with several researchers: